Monday, August 03, 2009

New Pet Shop + Cute Doggies

As had been promised..the doggie post.

2 months ago (I know it's been awhile :p) I accidentally found out a newly opened pet shop here in Mentakab. Me and my family members always have soft spots for doggies ;) Here are the pictures of those cuties..Aww.............

One of the Golden Retriever..Cutttteeeee ;)

Another male Golden, Dragon

They got so excited when they saw the leads..

OMG, they are so cute. I am so going to have one for myself :D

The Rottweiler Puppy
(My dad loves Rottweilers...)

Isn't he cute?? But they don't look like this when they are all grown-up

Recently I went back to the pet shop, and the 2 big Golden Retrievers are gone..Sad :( But yesterday when I passed the shop, I saw many small cages in the shop. Guess they are bringing in more puppies..Will go there once more to snap more cute puppies pictures ;)))

1 comment:

sharon said...

Hi, may I know the pet shop location? TQ!