My classes have started. New environment, new people, new way of living my life. Classes are not as horrible as I thought, lecturers are not as scary as I thought, classmates are not as un-friendly as I thought as well! I get to know one pretty and soft-spoken girl, and through out the class she is not as what I had expected. She is a lawyer, been practicing for 4 years.. Whoa? I feel so intimidated sitting next to her. Anyway she is the most friendly one I met so far tho'.
Assignments have been given, and it's damn TOUGH! I am suppose to email the lecturer to tell him which company I had chosen, and which presentation question I chose. And the best part is I have not make up my mind!! Argh!! I am only taking 2 subjects this trimester and I already feel like I cannot cope. Duh Duh Duh.
Found out that Rebekah is working in Jaya One. Will go and find her for yum cha as soon as possible. Haha. It's not too bad when you know someone you know is around you. Baby went back to his place already. I miss him already even though I just see him this morning. I miss you Baby, when can I see you again? Sobs :(