Friday, March 20, 2009

a boring day

When you got fed-up with one thing, you will get fed-up with everything else surrounding you. That is what happen to me today. Yesterday's post was about waiting for miracle to happen and it does not happen. So, it affect my mood today - the whole day. I was being so useless wandering around the house and doing nothing productive. Useless me. Hah!

Thus, being so un-productive, I went and checked my mail box. Thank God someone did send some interesting stuff for me to check it out. I particularly attracted to one mail, where it describes my characteristics when I am in love according to my day of birth. Quite accurate though!

I am type number 4 where:
4 号恋人:每月4 日、13 日、 22 日、31 日出生者
I need security in my relationship. Badly.

Have very conservative view in love. Will be very serious while in love. (So true for me.)

要4 号恋人主动出击…嘿嘿,他们可不轻易打没有把握的仗;不过,当有人对 4号恋人主动表示好感的时候, 4号恋人往往会以最快的速度跳入陷阱。
We won't go for it if we are not sure with the results. But, when someone does a confession, we normally will fall for it, immediately. That's how each of my relationship started. (Isn't it so true?)

只不过,4 号恋人还是很坚持原则的,再怎么爱、再怎么盲目,若对方不能达到4 号恋人最基本的要求——也就是对方不能独属你一人时,4号恋人最终还是会从短暂的盲目中清醒,脱离这段没有结果的关系。
Even we fall into a relationship easily, we still stick to our principles. No matter how deep in love are we, if our partners could not fulfill our requirements, where they just can't belong to us, alone, we will be awake, and end this never-ending relationship. (Personally, I felt the same, but I still could not have the courage to do so. Why?)

4 号恋人特别需要安全感,所以也特别需要了解和掌握恋人的一切。
We need the feeling of security badly. So, we need to know everything, in and out of our partner. (Ya, I demand to know everything. No matter you're willing to tell me or not.)

4号恋人一向是看准了、了解了、做好准备了…才会付出行动;因此, 4号恋人的对象往往是从身边的朋友下手,从一般的关系开始萌生爱情的嫩芽。
We will always aim our target correctly before taking any action. Thus, we will always pick someone who is near to use, like friends, and start our relationship from there. (Why I feel that this post is describing about me?)

失恋症结点: 小心你的主观意识太强,时时要以你的意见为优先,伴侣可是会受不了的!
Most probably break up because of: too self-centered and does not accepts others opinion, and the partner could not withstand it. (I admit that I always want the other one listen to me,but I am not wrong either!)

你是哪种 4号恋人? (You are which one?)
每月4 日出生的4号恋人: 最理想的贤妻良母、好丈夫类型,生活的细节靠他准不会出错。
每月13日出生的4号恋人: 13日的恋人很讨厌落单,偏偏他们也真有本事,就是让你心甘情愿跟他东奔西走的。
每月22日出生的4号恋人: 直觉既强又准的恋人,对于他们的原则,你还是跟着照办为妙吧!
(I am born on 22nd so I will just explain this one =P)
I have very good and accurate instinct, why don't just follow my rules in everything? Well said!
每月31日出生的4号恋人: 外表规矩、内心狂放,表里落差最大的恋人,越深入了解越有挑战性!

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